Ethereum 以太坊平台的未來發展
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Ethereum以太坊平台建立出一個Public Blockchain系統,每一個人都可以使用,大大減低由零開始去建造的麻煩,等於輸出Blockchain技術,令到應用Blockchain更加普及化。
任何人可以編寫Dapp (Decentralized App出中心化應用程式) ,放到Ethereum以太坊平台上執行,使用Ethereum以太坊平台,要以Ether以太幤支付Gas Fee燃料費。
個人和機構投資者加入投資並持有加密貨幣,包括Ether以太幣和其他ERC-20標準的加密貨幣,這些交易和運算是在Ethereum平台上進行,要用Ether支付Gas Fee。
- 越來越多個人和機構投資者參與,Ethereum平台的使用量增加,造成平台網络大塞車,以及Gas Fee上升。平台的運算能力和Gas Fee是長遠必須要解決的問題,等待Ethereum 2.0 Upgrade完成。但另一方面,平台系統慢,加上Gas Fee上升,仍然很多人在使用,又多少表示需求大幅上升,和平台的壟斷性地位,否則應該見到一定數量的人轉用其他類似平台。
- 現在使用DeFi的人,佔加密貨幣的投資者比重相信仍然是佔少數,相信是比較有經驗的投資者。隨著個人和機構投資者繼續擴大,新加入的漸漸變成有經驗,有機會更多人成為DeFi的用家。現在大部分DeFi服務都是建基在Ethereum平台。(參考 DeFi Pulse)
- Ethereum平台市佔率很高,具壟斷性,按Dapps數目是首位,約佔80%,差不多是處第二位的EOS的9倍,看上圖。(參考 State of The Dapps)這個優勢對於競爭者或後來者,是一大困難。而且平台有網絡效應,不同公司在Ethereum平台上開發的Dapps有關連和互動,形成一個如生態環境,吸引其他公司去採用該平台。
- 美國監管機構Office of Currency Controller (OCC)已批准金融機構使用加密貨幣Stablecoin和Public Blockchain。由於Ethereum的高市佔優勢,和大部分Stablecoin都是在Ethereum平台運作,金融機構很大機會加入使用Ethereum平台,加大其使用量。
- Ethereum 2.0 Upgrade是長遠解決運算能力的方案,是必需,已經在按階段逐步進行,但過程漫長,相信大概到2022才完成。
- 在Ethereum 2.0 Upgrade這個較長期方案完成之前,Layer 2 Scaling的Optimistic Rollup是短期解決方案,預計2021年3月完成,相信有效提升Ethereum平台運算效率。
- EIP 1559 (Ethereum Improvement Proposal)預計2021年中推出,會正面影響Ether貨幣供應政策。Ether的原本設計是沒有發掘上限,這個等同不斷印銀紙效果,即Inflation通脹,令到Ether長遠眨值。EIP 1559令到處理每一個Request時的Base Fee Burn燒掉,等於減少Ether的發行總量,有減低因為不斷發掘帶來的Inflation通脹效果。如果Ethereum平台使用量不斷增加,這個Base Fee Burn甚至引起Deflation通縮,令到Ether長遠升值。
- 更長遠的願景,Ethereum有其中一個可能性是成為Web 3.0標準,這是充滿幻想空間,同時又充滿不確定性。
Time is running out to win blockchain race
I believe the dominant players in the world of blockchain are clearly visible now as well. Bitcoin represents a bigger market capitalization than every other blockchain combined and appears to be on track to become the preferred digital store of value. Likewise, Ethereum has more developers than every other blockchain combined, and is similarly on track to becoming the preferred economic infrastructure for the next generation of developers. At the same time, companies like Aave, Binance, Coinbase and Compound Labs are busy staking out the high ground in this ecosystem around specific value propositions.
The most astonishing aspect about market leadership in technology is how little it depends on the technology itself. There is always something better out there. The strength of the platform may have started in the technology, but in the end, it is much more driven by the total investment, the installed base and the developer community.
ReplyDeleteIn the next year or two, you can expect many technology and financial services companies to explain their plans to enter the blockchain market. In nearly every case, they will cite the low penetration of the technology in their industry or market as evidence that it’s “early days yet” and they have “plenty of time” to formulate their strategy and leverage their legacy market position. It isn’t. They don’t.
Technology is just a tool, application is everything. How you use technology to eliminate unnecessary cost and derive efficiency is the main reason for using technology.
Delete現在最多人投訴gas fee, 有問題,就會有人去想解決方法